Levi Cheptora

Healthcare Innovator | Digital Health Entrepreneur | Editor-in-Chief | Champion for Accessible and Equitable Healthcare Solutions| English Coach and Public Speaking Educator



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I’m Dr. Levi Cheruo Cheptora—a healthcare innovator, educator, and your friendly neighborhood digital health troublemaker. I wear many hats, but my favorite one is the one that says, “How can I fix this broken healthcare system?”

You see, before COVID-19 arrived to complicate our lives further, I buried five close family members, including my father and fiancée. Why? Because ignorance and lack of access to healthcare did what a lion couldn’t—it killed. And as my grandmother always says, “A hyena dies from wandering, not from hunger.” I realized then that we were wandering aimlessly in a jungle of preventable deaths.

So, I decided to stop waiting for the rainmaker and became one myself. In 2020, I started Doctors Explain Digital Health Co. LTD, with a big dream and a bigger fight in me. My mission is simple: make sure 90% of rural Kenyans and people with mobility challenges can access specialized care and health information by 2030.

What Drives Me?

I believe healthcare isn’t just for those who can afford it or live near a hospital. It’s for everyone—whether you’re in Nairobi or deep in Samburu. But let’s be honest, right now, healthcare in Kenya is like a house with no roof: it looks okay until it starts raining. That’s why I focus on three key areas:

Digital Doctors College

Let’s face it, healthcare professionals need to learn, unlearn, and relearn. Our online college offers over 90 courses to help them master telemedicine, health informatics, and more. Because, as they say, “An old broom may know the corners, but it can’t sweep out new dirt.”

360° MHMIS (Hospital Management Software)

Hospitals shouldn’t run like matatus. With our software, we’re fixing the chaos: managing patient records, appointments, and billing—all from one platform. It’s like giving a sufuria to someone who’s been trying to cook with a calabash!

Doctors Explain TV

Many of us can recite episodes of Maria but don’t know the signs of hypertension. That’s why we created multilingual, entertaining health content to educate people across Kenya. If knowledge is power, then this is us handing out rechargeable batteries!

Why I Care

When I look at the faces of families in rural Kenya, I see my own. I know what it’s like to feel helpless, to wonder what might have been if only we had known better. But as the elders say, “When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion.” So here I am, spinning my web, pulling together people, ideas, and technology to build a healthier Kenya—one step at a time.



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